Game theory and economics in the news
March 2, 2004 | Miami Herald, Wireless world awaits next big move
Cites an executive who notes that to sift through future scenarios for the telecom industry, "you need game theory to work them all out."
March 1, 2003 | Beyond Discovery (NSF), The bidding game
A concise introduction to auction theory, including auction types, the winner's curse, and the FCC Spectrum Auctions.
June 27, 2002 | Economist, Bidding adieu?
Examines the role of the winner's curse in auctions for cell phones and IPOs.
May 2002 | Wired, Winner's Curse: The 3G auctions were the last party of an old regime
Argues for an unregulated radio spectrum, without auctions distributing licenses for cell phones. (by Chris Anderson)
January 3, 2002 | Business World, Who will blink first in German telecoms poker?
German auction for new-generation mobile licenses
December 4, 2001 | CNet, Blunders aplenty in AT&T, @Home talks
Excite loses in game of chicken against AT&T by underestimating its opponent
April 28, 2000 | CNN Money, Britain's cellular bonanza
Third generation (3G) cell phone services auction in Britain
December 2, 1996 | Wireless Week, Cities bought cheaply: F-block bids go at penny a pop
The new round of the FCC specrum auctions received low prices in some areas, due to bidding increment rules and relatively low turnout.