Game theory and economics in the news
April 19, 2005 | Financial Times, Rules that breed selfish conduct
Prisoners' dilemmas are only troublesome when people are assumed to be selfish. Yet, if we predicate public policy on reciprocity and cooperation, better outcomes would result. (by John Kay)
2005 | Beliefnet, Rooting for the Joneses
Describes the human emotion of jealousy as "a perfect paradigm of insufficiency: I am less because you are more. It's a zero-sum game." (by Marc Ian Barasch)
October 15, 2004 | Wall Street Journal, Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord -- But scientists differ [pdf]
What happens when people play public contribution games during a brain scan? We discover that people like punishing defectors even at a cost to themselves.
July 31, 2004 | New Scientist, Why we do what we do
Decribes progress in the science of decision-making, including economic, psychological, and neurological perspectives. (by Laura Spinney)
September 17, 2003 | National Geographic, Monkeys show sense of fairness, study says
The finding that monkeys have an innate sense of fairness may mean that altruism may be quite rational.
September 17, 2003 | USA Today, Researchers find monkeys know when they're getting ripped off
A (dubious) study finds that a species of monkeys has an innate sense of fairness. Perhaps the monkeys should have played an ultimatum game.
June 17, 2003 | New York Times, Brain experts now follow the money
Calls for the advent of "neuroeconomics," a blending of game theory and emotion allowing for standard anomalies in rationality.
May 10, 2003 | New Scientist, To trust is human
One researcher suggests a hormonal cause of good will in games and an inverse link between religion and altrusim. (by Ken Grimes)
July 23, 2002 | New York Times, Why We're So Nice: We're Wired to Cooperate
Psychiatrists note that cooperation in the prisoner's dilemma is part of innate altruism.
July 18, 2002 | Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Why cooperate? It's a pleasure, says Emory study
Psychiatrists note that cooperation in the prisoner's dilemma is part of innate altruism.
May 11, 2002 | New Scientist, Natural born killers
Can sucide bombers be explained as hawks among doves ? An evolutionary psychology viewpoint.
January 10, 2002 | Nature, Homo Reciprocans
Human altruistic tendencies result in punishing free-riders, potentially resolving the tragedy of the commons. (by Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis)
March 7, 2001 | Financial Times, Peak performance
An eulogy to Herbert Simon, describing his theory of satisficing and contributions to behavioral economics. (by John Kay)
July 12, 2000 | Financial Times, Beauty and the bidder
Auctions are useful market allocation mechanisms when the reward is mostly monetary, but do poorly when the prize is of psychological value. (by John Kay)